New for 2018 the SFS 3D Router Cage allows you to 3d router without limits! Create complex geometry on your work piece by cutting angles, arcs, and negative arc cuts that are otherwise not possible. The only limit to how the 3D router cage can be used is your imagination.
- Use with a surfacing router bit or top bearing bit to perform 3d router shaping on a workpiece
- Make 3D panels
- Cut speaker brackets to match the angle of a door speaker grill
- Converge profile lines on 3D accent pieces
- Create a swept surface cut with SFS arcs (Sold separately)
- Many more! Imagine the possibilities!
The 3D Router Cage Includes:
- 33" Long x 18" Wide x 11.5" Tall work envelope - Create 3D cuts on pieces large or small!
- 18" x 18" dust collection plate - Our integrated dust collection plate removes dust from the work area while you make your 3d passes.
- Router mounting plate - Secure the recommended Porter Cable Palm Router to the plate and interface with SFS Rails.
- Robust and adjustable aluminum extrusion foundation.
- 2 straight SFS Rails
- 4 Knobs and 4 Washers for securing SFS Rails
- 4 riser plates, indexed hole locations and slots for full adjustability
The 3D Cage is fully compatible with the following recommend items (Sold Separately):
See the 3D Cage in action here: